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Viagra - Buy Online with Free prescription

Genuine Viagra is not simply being taken by the sick but are also increasingly being used as lifestyle medications

Buying Viagra over the internet has meant that many people are now simply bypassing their doctor and self-prescribing medicines which they hope will improve their prowess in the bedroom rather than treat a specific disease or condition as it was originally designed to treat heart disease among the middle-aged.

Doctors are becoming increasingly concerned at the ease with which patients can obtain Genuine Viagra via websites without any real checks on their medical history or claims to need the medication.

Patients who are refused Viagra from their GP can simply buy it with a prescription online. This is not illegal if the online company has a prescribing doctor on board. Whether that doctor takes a full medical history is hard to check up on.

There is an even darker side to the "lifestyle drugs" industry. Much of the Viagra without prescription sold online is fake, that at best will not have any effect, and at worst could kill.

The counterfeit 'viagra' industry is worth an estimated £20bn a year. The Government's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) seizes more than £3m worth of stolen or faked 'viagra' every year. Another problem is that pharmaceutical companies are desperate to find the holy grail of the drugs world –- a product that can be sold to as many people as possible for as long as possible.

If you require more information about Viagra, please click HERE.